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College English Test

Part I Reading Comprehension (40%)

Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Passage 1

Questions I to 5 are based on the following passage:

On November 19, 1863, Abraham Lincoln went to Gettysburg in Pennsylvania to speak at the National Soldiers Cemetery. The Civil War was still going on. There was much criticism of President, Lincoln at the time. He was not at all popular. He had been invited to speak at Gettysburg only Out of politeness. The principal speaker was to be Edward Everett, a famous statesman and speaker of the day. Everett was a handsome man and very popular everywhere.

It is said that Lincoln prepared his speech on the train while going to Gettysburg. Late that night, alone in his hotel room and tired out, he again worked briefly on the speech. The next day Everett spoke first. He spoke for an hour and 57 minutes. His speech was a perfect example of the rich oratory of the day. Then Lincoln rose. The crowd of 15,000 people at first paid little attention to him. He spoke for only nine minutes. At the end there was little applause. Lincoln turned to a friend and remarked, “I have failed again.” On the train back to Washington, he said sadly,“ That speech was a flat failure, and the people are disappointed.

Some newspapers at first criticized the speech. But little by little people read the speech they began to understand better. They began appreciate its simplicity and its deep meaning. It was a speech which only Abraham Lincoln could have made.

Today, every American school child learns Lincoln's Gettysburg Address by heart. Now everyone thinks of it as one of the greatest speeches ever given in American history.

1. In 1863,Abraham Lincoln was ________

A. very critical             B. unpopular       C. very popular       D. very courteous

2. Lincoln was invited to speak at the National Soldiers Cemetery because he was ______

A. a famous speaker                             B. a very handsome man

C. President of the country                     D. a popular statesman

3. It can be inferred from the text that _________.

A. Lincoln prepared his speech very carefully before he went to Gettysburg

B. Lincoln was very busy at the time and didn't have much time to prepare his speech

C. Lincoln's speech was full of rich words

D. Lincoln's speech was very long

4. It was a fact that Lincoln's speech was _________.

A. an immediate success

B. warmly applauded

C. a total failure

D. not well-received at first

5. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Lincoln's Gettysburg Address has deep meaning.

B. Lincoln's Gettysburg Address is simple in style.

C. Lincoln's Gettysburg Address is memorized by every American school child.

D. Lincoln's Gettysburg Address is the greatest speech ever delivered in the United States.

Passage 2

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:

Animals seem to have the sense to eat when they are hungry and they do not eat more than their bodies need. It has been demonstrated that rats will, when given a choice over a period of time, prefer water with vitamins to water without vitamins even though there is no difference in taste or smell between the two water bottles. When a fragrant flavor was added to the vitamin-enriched fluid, the rats did seem to develop a taste for it and kept drinking it, even after the vitamins were switched to the clear water. In time, however, they broke the habit and went back to where the necessary vitamins were. In a classic experiment, babies of 6 to 12 months old were placed in a cafeteria feeding arrangement, with a wide selection of baby food before them. They were given whatever food they pointed to or appeared interested in. We are told that at first they showed some unusual eating patterns, but that over a period of time they managed to select well-balanced diet. So, in selecting food, rats and babies do seem to know and act on what's best for them. Apparently, there is a kind of“body wisdom,” which humans soon lose. Most of us do not eat as wisely as we could. Many of our food preferences are culturally determined and influenced by long-established habits. Some people eat fox, dog and blackbirds, while we eat cows and pigs. So what people eat and how much they eat seems to be greatly influenced by what is going on around them.

6. In the experiment on rats, a fragrant flavor was added to the rat's drinking water to ________

A. encourage rats to drink vitamin-enriched water

B. find out rats preference in flavor

C. test whether rats know which drink is good for them

D. demonstrate that vitamins are tasteless

7. The expression “the habit” (para. 1, sentence 4) refers to drinking water which _______

A. has no smell B. is tasteless

C. has vitamins D. is flavored

8. According to the passage, adults eating habits differ from those of babies because _________

A. adults know better than babies what kind of food are good for their health

B. adults usually cannot resist the temptation of various delicious foods

C. adults' eating habits are closely related to the social and cultural customs

D. adults have more choices of food than babies in eating patterns

9. The author implied in the passage that most of us _________

A. eat a balanced diet

B. choose the food that is of nutrition

C. have the habits influenced by the surroundings

D. like to eat the food with a fragrant flavor

10. As far as their eating habits are concerned, babies and rats are similar in that _________

A. both have the wisdom to choose a balanced diet

B. both prefer flavored food and drink

C. both have the same eating patterns

D. both develop a taste for the same kinds of flavors

Passage 3

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:

In ancient times the most important examinations were spoken, not written. In the schools of ancient Greece and Rome, testing usually consisted of saying poetry aloud or giving speeches. In the European universities of the Middle Ages, students who were working for advanced degrees had to discuss questions in their field of study with people who had made a special study of the subject. This custom exists today as part of the process of testing candidates for the doctor's degree.

Generally, however, modern examinations are written. The written examination, where all students are tested on the same question, was probably not known until the nineteenth century. Perhaps it came into existence with the great increase in population and the development of modern industry. A room full of candidates for a state examination, timed exactly by electric clocks and carefully watched over by managers, resembles a group of workers at an automobile factory. Generally, during examinations teachers and students are expected to act like machines.

One type of test is sometimes called an “objective” test. It is intended to deal with facts, not personal opinions. To make up an objective test the teacher writes a series of questions, each of which has only one correct answer. Along with each question the teacher writes the correct answer and also three statements that look like correct answers to students who have not learned the material properly.

11. In the Middle Ages students _________

A. took objective tests                      B. specialized in one subject

C. were timed by electric clocks             D. never wrote exams

12. The main idea of paragraph 3 is that _________

A. workers now take examinations

B. the population has grown

C. there are only written exams

D. examinations are now written and timed

13.The kind of exams where students must select answers are _________

A. personal            B. spoken               C. objective               D. written

14. Modern industry must have developed ________

A. before the Middle Ages                       B. around the 19th century

C. in Greece or Rome                            D. machines to take tests

15. It may be concluded that testing _________

A. should test only opinions

B. Should always be written

C. has changed since the Middle Ages

D. is given only in factories

Passage 4

Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage:

The market investigation is indispensable to sales promotion. They are as closely related as the lips and teeth, so to speak. What you produce is for sale on the market. It would he impossible to succeed in selling a product without first investigating the market.

In the international market, goods on sale coming from countries and suppliers are always facing keen competition. Under such circumstances, they will try everything possible to familiarize themselves with the market conditions. In making investigations, we ought to get information about what similar items the competitors are offering on the market, what prices they are quoting (报价), what features their products have, who are their regular customers, etc. Then, how can we obtain such information? There are many channels that we can make use of in doing this sort of work. The commercial counselor's offices of our embassies stationed abroad can help us in making market investigations. Nowadays, our import and export corporations send their trade groups abroad every now and then. One of their purposes is to make market surveys on the spot.

Certainly, face-to-face talks with foreign businessmen are also important channels to get market information. The Chinese Export Commodities Fairs and some other fairs of similar nature as well as visits of foreign businessmen provide' us with such opportunities. Of course, there are some other ways of making market investigations.

16. In making market investigation, one should _______.

A. get enough information concerned

B. advertise his products

C. produce high quality goods

D. none of the above

17. The word “indispensable” in the first line means _________.

A. impossible          B. essential           C. advisable               D. available

18. Which of the following statements is not true?

A. The relationship between market investigation and sales promotion is just as that of the lips and teeth.

B. It is impossible to succeed in selling a product without market Investigation.

C. There are various ways of making market investigation.

D. Production goes before market investigation.

19. Making market investigation is very important because ________.

A. in market, goods on sale are numerous

B. every producer is facing keen competition

C. it can greatly promote sales

D. all of the above

20. All the following are channels to get market information except________.

A. to have commercial counsellor's office of our embassies stationed abroad

B. to promote the quality of our own products

C. to send trade groups abroad every now and then

D. to have face-to-face talks with foreign businessmen

Part II Vocabulary and Structure (40%)

Directions: In this part there are 40 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

21. Having finished the letter, he _________ it carefully and sealed the envelop with a kiss.

A. folded               B. bent               C. turned             D. curved

22. Last year ________ of new books were published on environmental protection.

A. the hundred          B. hundreds           C. a hundred          D. one hundred

23. Literature and art have a great influence _________ people's ideology.

A. to                   B. on                 C. for                D. onto

24. Just as a married man cannot leave his work, a poor man cannot ________ to get sick.

A. have                 B. go                 C. expect             D. afford

25. _____, we keep records on all the experiments so that we may have  enough data.

A. As a whole                                 B. As a rule

C. On the average                             D. By all means

26. Nobody but a young woman ________ the airplane crash.

A. endured              B. rejected           C. survived           D. lived

27. Professor Smith is always very _________ to the reaction of the audience when he gives lectures.

A. sentimental          B. sensitive          C. sensible           D. positive

28. William has cut his smoking _________ to five cigarettes a day.

A. down                 B. in                 C. off                D. out

29. He has lived here for years_________ nobody knows what he is.

A. and but              B. though             C. an yet             D. for all that

30. I am very disappointed _________ the results of the experiment.

A. from                 B. for                C. to                 D. with

31. You should be able to ________ right from wrong.

A. perceive             B. distinguish        C. sight              D. observe

32. Any student who _________ his homework is unlikely to pass the examination.

A. reduces              B. offends            C. practices          D. neglects

33. I promised to look _________ the matter as soon as I got there.

A. for                  B. in                 C. into               D. after

34. Your sister has made an _________ for you to see the dentist at 3 this afternoon.

A. appointment          B. interview          C. opportunity        D. assignment

35. The committee is expected to _________ a decision this evening.

A. reach                B. arrive             C. bring              D. take

36. He spoke so quickly that I didn't ________ what he said.

A. make for             B. make sure          C. make over          D. make out

37. I wrote it down _________ I should forget it.

A. in case              B. in case of         C. in order that      D. for fear of

38. It is not that I do not like plays. The reason why I did not go to the theater last night was that I

could not _________ the time.

A. offer                B. leave              C. afford             D. manage

39. The chemical factory was demolished _________ protecting the environment.

A. in spite of          B. in honor of        C. in favor of        D. in the name of

40. After a three-hour heated discussion, all the members in the jury reached the conclusions that the man  was ________ of murder.

A. criminal             B. charged            C. guilty             D. faulty

41. The boy has performed excellently ________ he was bit nervous.

A. in that              B. of that            C. for that           D. with that

42. All my neighbors tried to help in some way. But they turned out to be actually _________ the way.

A. in                   B. on                 C. with               D. beyond

43. You never told me you have seen the film, ________?

A. had you              B. didn't you        C. did you            D. weren’t you

44. No one can possibly recall any detail about the meeting. It is at least five years since it _______

A. had taken place                            B. was taken place

C. took place                                 D. was taking place

45. Not until most of the people had left the airport _________ his sister was there.

A. that he saw                                B. had he seen

C. did he see                                 D. that he had seen

46. We all feel sorry for _________ for so long after your arrival.

A. keep you waiting                           B. having kept you waiting

C. waiting for you                            D. keep you wait

47. No sooner had they got the good covered up _________ it started raining hard.

A. When                 B. than              C. then                 D. after

48. The manager has his employees _________ a business report every week.

A. to write             B. written           C. writing              D. write

49. Written applications should be sent to us in case _________some problems with the electric version.

A. there will be        B. there is          C. there be             D. there was

50. At that time, the poor girl can't but ________ all her belongings at a low price.

A. to sell              B. sell              C. selling              D. sold

51. His few personal belongings made it possible for him to move from place to place _________

A. in ease              B. at ease           C. with ease            D. with easiness

52. I will never forget the ten years _________ we both spent in the little village.

A. when                B. during which      C. which                D. in which  53. They are _________ students that they all performed well in the nationwide examinations.

A. so diligent         B. such diligent     C. so much diligent     D. such very diligent

54. The manager of the company sent me a fax saying that he would visit us _________ next spring.

A. some time            B. sometime          C. sometimes            D. some times

55. No one can be sure if the car on display fits him or her until he or she _______them.

A. tries                B. will try          C. are trying           D. have tried

56. I am too busy these days. I would rather all of you _________ next month for a dinner.

A. come                 B. would come        C. came                 D. have come

57. Something must have happened on their way here. Or they ________by now.

A. should have arrived                       B. should arrive

C. would have arrived                        D. would arrive

58. The general's command was that the soldiers _________ their fort and carry out more important tasks.

A. would leave         B. leave             C. left                 D. have left

59. How the fire in the dancing hall started _________ a mystery.

A. to remain            B. remains           C. remain               D. is remaining

60. We are going to have our office _________ to make room for a new engineer.

A. to rearrange         B. rearrange         C. rearranged           D. rearranging

Part III  Identification (略)

Part IV  Cloze (10%)

Directions There are 20 blanks in the following passage, and for each blank there are 4 choices marked A,B, C and D at the end of the passage. You should choose the ONE answer that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Can you imagine how you would feel if you fell dangerously ill and could not reach or call a doctor?

Millions of people 71 the world are in this unfortunate 72, living in distant places 73 there are no railways, no proper roads and no telephones. Thousands of 74 are lost every year 75 could have been saved if medical attention 76 in time.

77 today help could be brought quickly and easily 78 many of these people 79 full advantage was taken 80 the aero-plane. 81 country has proved this 82 than Australia. The Australians 83 greater use of the aero-plane than any 84 people in the world. In no other country 85 the total number of miles flown by the 86 person so high. In fact, it has been 87 that Australians jump into planes 88 people in other countries jump into trains and buses. It is not surprising, 89 that Australia should have been the first country 90 a Flying Doctor Service.

71. A. all over             B. through            C. on              D. within

72. A. society              B. world              C. position        D. way

73. A. which                B. because            C. although        D. where

74. A. people               B. children           C. lives           D. families

75. A. which                B. in which           C. when            D. they

76. A. had been paid more                         B. had been provided

C. was given                                  D. was provided

77. A. Even                 B. So                 C. Finally         D. But

78. A. from                 B. to                 C. in              D. with

79. A. if only              B. but                C. and             D. unless

80. A. on                   B. from               C. about           D. of

81. A. No                   B. Any                C. Not             D. One

82. A. less                 B. worse              C. more            D. better

83. A. made                 B. did                C. make            D. were making

84. A. of                   B. else               C. Japanese        D. other

85. A. of                   B. in                 C. are             D. is

86. A. living               B. average            C. brave           D. medical

87. A. suggested            B. estimated          C. worked out      D. said

88. A. when                 B. while              C. as              D. but

89. A. in a way             B. therefore          C. perhaps         D. accordingly

90. A. to develop           B. of                 C. made up         D.into


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